This project is a curtain wall work frame for the roof structure of a high-rise building in the Ocean Block of Suzhou City.

Buildings No. 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, and 9 are high-rise structures with a height of 157.29m; Building 8 is a three-story building with a height of 14.45m.

Cantilever Scaffolding Structure 1

There is very limited floor space on the roof in all the buildings in this project, but with very height of the roof. Hence, cantilever scaffolding structure proposals were finally adopted in this project design.

Cantilever Scaffolding Structure

It is pretty difficult and dangerous to erect a cantilever structure at the top of the 50-floor buliding.

Among buildings, the largest cantilever length is on the No. 6# and 9# with the same roof structures. Started from the height of 147.09m, cantilever with 1.8m span was set, supported by the outer wall.

More, 1.2m, 1.8m, 2.0m cantilever structures were assembled at the top of the height 157.29m to seal the cornice aluminum plate edge as the cornice working surface. The largest cantilevers were at the southeast, northeast, southwest, and northwest corners of the structure, maximum span 3.2m.

Cantilever Scaffolding Structures

Cantilever Scaffolding

Cantilever Scaffoldings



Scaffolding manufactured and supplied by: Jumply Scaffolding (Engineering) Co., Ltd.

Project designed and executed by: Jumply Scaffolding engineering team

Cantilever Scaffold

Another great Job, Jumply Scaffolding engineering team! 

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